Set includes:
1?Air Cooler Ultra, 1?USB Power cord , Instruction Guide
Black and white
Light color:
22x18x21.5 cmUnit: 18*14*18 cm
Capacity: Up to 13 hours cooling
Weights: Gross:
1 kg Net 0.8kg
1. Set CoolAir Uitra on a flat surface such as a table or desk.
The appliance use USB interface for power supply. any USB poweradapter with output (5V, 1-2A) can be used, e.g. Power bank,Laptop, Phone charger.
WaterTankDoorW Open Water Tank Door andfil untl line on MAX FILL tab, Closewhen done
1. Press the button to turn
CooiAir Ultra on-it wll defauit to Highspeed mode.
.1st pressPower on, High.2nd press: Medium
.3rd press Quiet mode 1 Night mode.4th press:Power off
Note: CoolAir Ultra will run up to 13hours onhigh, 15 hours on Medium and 20 hourson low."
2.Use the Air direction Tab to adjustairflow up/down to your preference.
" Subject to room temperature, Humidi-ty.Cool Air is designed to wor at 50%Humidity (The run time will change sub-ject to moisture levels).
3 Choose night light setting by pressing-ö- button - default stig is High
. Default:Light on, High brightness. 1st press: Low brightness.2nd press :Lihgt off
4.To power off, press the buttonuntil fan turns of (one press after quietmode), and Mode indicator Lights areno longer lit
IMPORTANTWhen not using CoolAirUltra for extended periods of time emplyWater tank and remove fiter and alloto dry before rftin
Safety Warnings & Advice
Do not carry CoolAir Ultra when flled with water. Some water may remain in unit even if tank is empty.
Use only clean wate .f needed, use distlled water to avoid calcium build up.
CoolAir Ultra works best in non-polluted areas Large dustdirir partides may reduce lifetime of unit.
We recommeded use only in dry locations if using in a moist area or environment, take care not to getwater on extermal areas of the product.
Ifa leak or spill occurs on the surface of device. unplug CoolAir Ultra and let it diry for 24 hours. Then, useas normal
Do not place in direct sunlight for extended periods of time.
When not using CoolAir Uitra for extended period of time, empty the water tank, remove the fiter and allowto air dry. Replace the filter and store the CoolAir Ultra in a cool, dry place.Do not touch the power supply or power cord with the wet hands.
Cut off the power supply when cleaning. removing 1 replacing filer, r or moving the device.. For best results. place CoolAir Ultra on a higher surface like a table or countertop.
Do not place CoolAir Ultra near a heater o any electrical equipment.
Do not place the device in passageways or high raffic areas where there is a possiblityt of ripping orknocking it over.
Do not place iterms on top of CoolAir Ultra
Do not block the front and back grlis of the deviceDo not turn the device upside down
Do not submerge the CoolAir Ultra under ater or other liquids.Do not place CoolAir Uitra near open flames or fire sourcesDo not leave unattended whilst on
Do not use the product near electricals.
People with limited physical, visual or mental resn onsibleto
assistance in using the device.
e device can be switched of com pietely only when diconetled from the power upply.
The manufacturer does no bear anyrsponsibility for any damage from falure to comply with this pneguide
arepacb mle s desine spcaly for tnis prodet tyour canige has been broken o dannyou can purchase areplacmenta voeuron thefront gnil This is to be expected and theyca in certain conditions, water droplets may occur
Water droplets can form on teslease the air fow by adjusting the direction of the blades.wiped away using a cloth. , wnen tne dretinal gni im ils cosed postion To reuce tis Lpossible spill onto the table please incrase